Gia (Women of Privilege Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  “Gia, stop feeding me bits and pieces. Who is he?”

  “I’ve been dating a guy. His name is JD, and he lives on Skidaway Island. He’s got money, and I moved in with him.” I’m cringing and knotting up inside. What I’m doing is not good.

  “Why your mother and I never met him?”

  “I work all the time, Dad, and it’s hard for me to come up this far from Savannah. I figured I’d get around to telling you eventually.” Lies upon lies upon lies, and I’m getting sicker the more I tell them.

  “Should have told us before you moved.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but you can be very harsh about my choice of men sometimes. When I’m ready, you’ll meet him, but not yet.”

  “He treats you good?”

  “He treats me wonderful.” I feel so ashamed. “Dad, can we talk about all that later, please? I have something for you and Mom.”

  We go back out to the living room. Mom has a glass of tea in her hand, and she’s about to sit down in the recliner. The television is showing a commercial. This is my chance to get her attention.

  “Mom, I have something for you.” I rush over to my purse and dig out the two debit cards. I give one to my dad and the other to my mom. Both look at the cards like they’re an unknown object.

  “What’s this?” she says, glancing up at me in complete confusion.

  “It’s a debit card. They belong to you guys.”

  “I didn’t ask for this. Old Man, did you ask for a debit card?”

  My dad shakes his head and tries to give it back to me.

  “They’re yours,” I remark. “I got them for you.”

  “I don’t do credit cards, and your father can’t stand them. You might as well take them back.”

  “Debit cards, Mom. They are de-bit cards. They are attached to a bank account that the both of you can use.”

  My mom looks at the card again while setting down her glass of tea on the end table next to the chair. She stands up.

  “What kind of account? Old Man, she talked to you about this?”

  “First I heard about it myself, Jen.”

  “Mom, Dad, I have set up an account in both of your names. If you need to pay off a bill or want to go on vacation or just want to buy groceries, use those cards.”

  Her mouth is open, but nothing is coming out.

  “What kind of account is attached to these cards, Gia?” my dad asks.

  “It’s a bank account.”

  “How much is in it?” my mom asks.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well, if I’m using it, I need to know what I’m working with. Is it twenty dollars, five hundred dollars, two cents?”

  “Mom, don’t worry about it. Just use it however you want.”

  “So, if I wanted to buy twenty dresses at full price at one time, the account this card is attached to will cover every penny?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I reply solidly.

  “How much money are we talking about, Gia? Your mother and I need to know.”

  “There’s enough in there to cover whatever you want. Stop asking me, please. Just accept it as a gift and enjoy. You two are unbelievable.”

  “That JD boy set this up for you?” my dad asks.

  I huff and roll my eyes. So much for not speaking on nobody’s business. Well, I should have expected he’d say something around Mom. I think my dad is too scared to keep secrets from her.

  “Who’s JD?” she asks, looking to me and then to my dad. “Who is JD?”

  “He’s my boyfriend,” I reply. “We’ve moved in together.”

  “Moved in? Since when? Who’s his folks?”

  “Mom, I got to go.”

  “Wait a minute,” she says.

  “Your show is back on. Love you, Dad.”

  He shakes his head, and my mom starts digging him for answers. I got away just in time.

  Once I’m in my car, the intensity in my shoulders let up. I cover my face and try to take deep breaths. It’s hard telling lies to my mom and my dad, and what a poor choice. JD? Good thing they don’t know him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The moment I park my car at JD’s apartment, I remember the morning after pill. I still got time, and I don’t feel like leaving right now. My car is parked in his assigned spot, and I look up at the window that’s facing out to the parking lot. The window is opened, and I can hear the sounds of perhaps a golf game. I can see JD watching wrestling or boxing, but not golf.

  I go up to the apartment and use my key to unlock the door. The television is on. It’s definitely on golf, and he’s asleep on the sofa. He’s wearing boxers. His muscular stomach is all contorted from the way he’s positioned sideways. The way his head is leaning he’ll have a crook in his neck when he wakes up.

  As softly as I can, I close the door and lock it. I slip out of my shorts and panties and pull my halter top over my head. I leave my clothes in a pile on the floor. I grab the condom in the normal spot on the cabinet by the door and slowly tip over to the sofa. I straddle him over his lap. The creak of the couch wakes him right up, and he grabs me by the waist. When JD suddenly sees my breasts, his confusion turns into a big welcoming smile.

  “This is what the fuck I’m talkin’ about,” he replies. He bites gently and pulls at my nipple. He squeezes my ass and pulls me closer to his groin.

  “You missed me?” I whisper as I watch him devoir the soft skin under my breasts.

  “Can’t you tell from my dick between your legs,” he replies.

  It is firm and peeking out from his boxer shorts.

  “Hmm, you did miss me.”

  I lift up enough so he pull down his boxers. When he’s fully naked, JD tries to work me down onto his hard muscle, but I flash the condom wrapper right in his face.

  “G, we don’t need that.” He begins massaging my breasts.

  His touch feels good, but I’m not budging on this. He came in me once, and I’m not trying to give his sperm twice the chance.

  “All you gonna do is make old boy limp, man. I ain’t trying to choke my shit today.”

  I stand up, and he grabs my waists.

  “Alright, G, I’ll eat you instead. I’m hungry for that sweet box, anyway.”

  Sometimes the substitute will not do, but since he ain’t willing to cap his shit, I’ll have to take the shorter weapon.

  JD moves off the sofa, and I lay back on the sofa. He gets right into position and immediately, he starts inhaling my scent and kissing me. His wet, cool lips begins grazing and separating my folds. The sensation is mind blowing, and I gyrate and moan. Already, I can feel my orgasm tingling on its edge. I hold on to his head as his tongue licks and dive. He finds my clit, kisses it, licks it, and puckers his lips around it. He sucks, and my lower body explodes and shivers. I scream and hold his head in place. The bliss has me grinding so hard I know I’m suffocating him. When the climax dulls to just a tiny sensation, I relax, but my pussy is still quivering. I stick my hand between my legs, and before I know it, not only has JD moved my hand out of the way, but he’s moved in between my legs and has his full body weight on top of me. He pushes himself in me, and he’s pumping fast and hard while holding me down by the throat.

  “Get off,” I strain, but it comes out gargled.

  “Damn, G,” he pants, squeezing my neck harder while pushing in.

  Surprisingly, my body is responding, but it’s also hard to breath. I don’t want to have an orgasm, but at the same time, the choking, the way JD fucks, his body grinding on mine is driving my pussy to the point of no return.

  “I feel you cumming, G,” he says in my ear. “Damn, girl, let me have it.”

  I can’t hold back, and I wail in pure bliss. In that moment, he pushes so deep that my body can’t help but to relish to the power of his dick. His hands still grips my neck, and all those feelings make my orgasm sail through me, creating flashes of colors in my eyes.

  The ride is so magnificent that it leaves me breathless and mindless
, but when it’s over, JD doesn’t relent. He sets out on his final mission. He is jabbing hard. His balls are hitting the fleshy soft portion of my ass. He’s tensing up, building to that precipice, and when he finally hits that point, he lands right in my spot, and my pussy clinches around him, making me shiver from the slow rise of another orgasm. JD doesn’t let up until he is empty and the volcano within me has calmed. After we catch our breath, he stands back away from the sofa and smiles in triumph and defiance. I must admit, I am all the way turned on and too damn choked up to speak.

  He’s manned up. Taken what he wanted and blew my mind in the process. He reigned over me and fucked me good. It was the best, for real. But I will not give JD the satisfaction and admit that I liked our game today. I need to get the hell out of here.

  I put on my clothes. No words are exchanged. The last thing I do is pick up my car keys.

  He smiles. Cocky motherfucker. I’ll definitely be back for more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After stopping by the store and finally buying the morning after pill, I go straight home and sit in my car in the garage. I can’t get my mind off of JD and Anthony. Why is it I want a man that doesn’t want me, and I don’t want a man that does want me? That’s a cruel game my mind is playing on me. I wish my life is simpler. Maybe, if I give up on Anthony, it will be. Then I won’t be happy. Or what if I let JD move in. He’ll cheat on me, and right in our bedroom. He’ll have some prostitute in my house, and I’ll have to kill them both. A cruel mind game. That’s all my life is right now.

  My cell phone wakes me from my daze. I glance at the display. It’s a local number, but I don’t know who it is. I let it go to voicemail. I’m not answering any numbers that I don’t recognize or is not in my contacts. With all the crazy shit I’ve been doing lately, I better be careful.

  I check my second phone, and I’m disappointed to see that Hannah hasn’t responded to my latest messages. I can’t even tell if it was delivered or not, either. I wonder if she’s turned it off completely or changed her number. I call her house phone.

  “Hello,” Hannah answers calmly. One of the kids are crying in the background. I hang up. I can’t do this shit when her kids are tugging at my conscience.

  I turn off the phone and go inside. The house is quiet. Anthony is still gone. I wonder what’s so important at the bank that’s taking so long. I’m being crazy possessive right now. I need to stop. A shower is in order. That’ll get my mind straight.

  After I’m all changed and cleaned up, I sit down outside by the pool and search the internet on my phone. The only computer I have in the house is in Anthony’s room. I’ve never really thought about owning a computer, but I did use the one at my old job. I didn’t have much time, anyway. In between going from house to house to see patients, then going into work after all that traveling around Savannah, I was too tired to do anything when I got home. The work took all day long, speaking to patients, dealing with ornery old women and fresh old men, and it’s the worse when I show up and find a patient who hasn’t eaten in a day or is hurt. I’d come across patients that had their house broken into and their things stolen, and they hadn’t called the police or family members. After dealing with all that, I’d go home and look at the back of my eyelids. Using a computer is far from what I wanted to do, anyway. So glad to be done with that kind of work. Now, I can sit back for the rest of my days and let my money make money for me.

  For the next few minutes, I search the web for caterers, decorators, and a party supply store. Then I recall Natasha’s advice. I need an event planner, and I find one easily online. I select the one with the highest star rating. I’m too lazy to read the comments.

  The man that answers the phone sounds very flamboyant and overly excited. He says his name is Adam.

  “Where did you say you lived at?” he says.

  “In Tudor Estates on Privilege Place.”

  “Wonderful! When would you like to have this party?”

  “Friday, six in the evening.”

  “That’s short notice. Oh my God, but I think I can pull it off. Where would you like to have it?”

  “It’ll be in my home.”

  “Perfect. That means I don’t have to try and nail down a venue. Do you have a theme in mind?”

  “It’s a housewarming party. I just moved in the neighborhood.”

  “I can work with that,” he replies excitedly. “What is your budget?”

  “No more than a grand.”

  “Five, honey, it’s well worth the investment. Let me get started.”

  “Before we hang up, Adam, are you going to handle everything? The caterers, the decorations?”

  “That’s what event planners do, honey. I got you covered.”

  “I’ll do the invitations. I don’t have the names of the people I’m inviting.”

  “That’ll be fine. I have your number. I’ll call you if I have any questions.”

  “Thank you, Adam.”

  “No, honey, thank you!”

  I can’t wait to meet this guy in person. I know he’s going to be a riot.

  I go to my contacts on my phone, and I call Lauren next. I’m hoping that Anthony is over at her house and trying to make up with Nick. It’s a long shot, but I’m interested in knowing where he’s at right now. There’s no answer. I bet she’s letting it ring because Nick is home. I guess I have no choice but to call her later on tonight when he’s at work.

  After going back into the kitchen and pouring myself a drink, I hear my cell phone ringing. I return to the patio and look at the display. Lauren? It must be bad news. Shit.

  “Are you okay?” I say upon immediately answering the phone.

  “I’m okay, Gia. I saw that you called. Anything wrong?”

  “No, I’m just checking to see if Anthony is over there.”

  “No, he’s not. Nick isn’t here, either.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Nick went to the bank,” she says. “I have no idea about Anthony.”

  “How long has Nick been gone?”

  “An hour or two. I don’t know. I’m just glad he’s not here. Oh, Gia, have you heard?”

  “No, heard what?”

  “Nick is a suspect-no, the cops said he was a person of interest-for the murder of his mother.”

  I blink in confusion. “What did you just say?”

  “The cops might be thinking he set the fire that killed his mother.”

  I’m in shock. The police is looking at Nick for murdering Grace? That doesn’t make any sense. I mean, the guy is a straight asshole. He does treat Lauren like shit, but he would never hurt his mother. He loved his mother. He paid for her homecare. He went to see her every single day to make sure she was okay, and if he couldn’t, he called her. There is no way in this universe that Nick could have done that. Or maybe, Lauren knows different.

  “Did he really kill his mother?” I ask, holding my breath.

  “Gia, I don’t think so, but he’s very capable. You know his temper. You’ve seen it.”

  Yes, I have. There was a time when I came over to Grace’s house. Nick was over there, and he had a chokehold on a cousin that had come over to steal Grace’s medications. The kid planned on selling them to get cocaine or whatever he was addicted to. I believe Nick would have killed that boy if I hadn’t walked in that day. Nick wouldn’t let him go at first. I literally had to beg him. I don’t believe the cousin ever came back to Grace’s house. I didn’t see the boy at the funeral, either.

  “That’s crazy,” I remark. “Nick killing his mother. It doesn’t sound right. Come to think about it, she was kind of mean to him. Sometimes I think she didn’t want him around. Maybe, she pushed him too far, and he lost it. You never know.”

  “Well, I don’t even care. That’s all I know this is a game changer for me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m leaving him. I’m taking the kids, and we’re gone. If he killed his mother, we’re not far behind. I have to protec
t my kids, Gia.”

  “It’s about time, Lauren! It’s about time! When are you leaving?”

  “Tonight. When he goes off to work.”

  “Okay, I’ll purchase the open ticket for you and the kids. That’s all you have to do is show up. Which airport are you going to?”

  “Hartsfield. Savannah is way too close for comfort.”

  “You know the airline I want you to use. I’ll call them when I hang up with you, and the tickets should be ready when you arrive.”

  “Alright,” she remarks. “Do you want me to call when I leave?”

  “Please, yes. Wait. How are you getting to Atlanta?”

  “I’m taking the…Wait, I think Nick is here. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  The call is disconnected, even though I’m still holding the cell phone to my ear. I’m happy for Lauren. She’s making the right changes. She’ll do ten times better without him.

  All of a sudden, I recall that my dad told me a cop wanted to speak to me about Grace’s death. I left that detective’s business card in the pocket of my last outfit. I have to call him. I have to know more.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I meet Detective Lucas Parker at Orleans Square in Savannah, Georgia. He’s sitting on a bench facing the German Memorial Fountain, holding a sandwich with both hands. He’s watching the kids dash across the grass, playing tag.

  It’s rare I take time to sit in a park like this and let the world fly by. I get no satisfaction from it, and whatever this cop is absorbing from his visit here is beyond my understanding.

  “Detective Parker,” I remark as I approach him.

  He wipes his right hand on his pants, stands up, and gives me a firm handshake.

  “Thank you for meeting me on such short notice, Miss Briggs.”


  “Have a seat,” he says.

  I do as he requests, but I make sure to leave room between us. He covers his sandwich with flimsy plastic and places it on the other side of his body away from me. He picks up a covered plastic cup from off the ground and sips his drink. He finishes it off with a heavy sigh and a wipe of his mouth with a napkin he took from his pants pocket.